Next Generation Ministry

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Kids + Youth

Next Generation Ministry is a safe and welcoming place for kids and youth to grow in their identities, faith, friendships, and the community of all believers. Next Gen serves children, youth, and their families through Christian Education programs, fellowship events, community outreach, and service projects.

Next Generation Ministry values intergenerational ministry as well as community outreach so we usually host one event each quarter that beings together all ages from within Providence and the community. Examples are Trunk-Or-Treat, Next Gen Friendsgiving, Vacation Bible Camp to name a few!



infant to age 3


Children are always welcome in worship, but childcare is also available in the nursery during the 10:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.  worship service.

We have 2 nursery workers each week who are fully vaccinated, background checked, and love kids! 

Feel free to drop off your littles starting at 9:45am or at any time during the service. Whatever works best for your family!


Age 4 – Grade 3

Godly Play

Based in the Montessori method, Godly Play teaches children the classical Christian language system through story, play, and discovery.

Children are dismissed to Godly Play after the anthem in our 10:00 a.m. service. Godly Play happens in Room 202.



Grades 4-6

4-6 Sunday School

Led by Abby Gwaltney preteens will connect with God’s big story through videos, Bible exploration, and hands-on projects. 

4-6 Sunday School happens in Room 205 at 10:00 a.m.


Grades 4-6


Designated to bridge the gap between childhood and adolescence, 456ERS is a preteen version of youth group (PYF).

456ERS meets about once a month on Sunday afternoons from 3:30-5:00pm.

456ERs meets on September 29, December 15, January 12, February 9, March 16, and April 27!

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All children (4 years old thru 6th grade)

Children's Choir

Children's Choir will be from 11-11:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings in Room 202 for children Kindergarten thru 6th grade!

Children's Choir will sing in worship quarterly at both the 10am and 11:15am worship services!

Children's Choir in worship: October 20, December 1, March 9, April 6, and June 1!


September - may

School Year

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Breakfast and Bible Study

Breakfast and Bible Study (B&B) is a Sunday School alternative that includes a time of fellowship while cooking breakfast followed by a time of Bible study. B&B takes place in the Youth Lounge Cafe (room 201) at 10:00am during the traditional service.

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PYF (Presbyterian Youth Fellowship)

PYF: (Providence Youth Fellowship) meets from 5:30-7:30 pm Sunday nights in our newly renovated Youth Lounge (room 201/203). A typical PYF night includes food, fellowship, and faith formation (bible study, mission projects, group discussions, prayer).

Typical PYF Schedule

5pm Youth Lounge opens for hang/free time

5:30-6pm Dinner

6-6:30pm Activity/Rec

6:30-7pm Lesson

7-7:30pm Small Groups

7:30pm Pray and dismiss


PYF Food Tour

On long weekends from 5:30-7:30pm PYF Food Tour meets at a restaurant in Fairfax for an evening of food, fellowship, and board/card games.

PYF Food Tour Dates: October 13, November 10, February 16, April 6!


We are aiming for a confirmation process that is based on relationships - the relationship of the individual to the universal church of Christ and its mission, relationship with the community within Providence and our mission, and most of all, relationship with God made known in Christ.

2024-2025 Confirmation Schedule
Kickoff: September 22, 12:15-2pm YL
Classes (10-11am, 207): September 29, October 27, November 24, December 8, January 26, February 23, March 23, April 27 
Confirmation Retreat: January 31- February 1
Confirmands at Session: April 8 
Confirmation Sunday: May 4 

Retreats & Events

Throughout the school year we aim to host a few different retreats and overnight events.

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Fall Retreats

We offer 2 retreats in fall semester, The first is in October to Lake Anna with just our Providence Youth Group. Then in November we attend "Keep Awake" A Matthew 25 Retreat at Massanetta Springs Camp and Conference Center. These retreat serves as a way for youth to get away in the midst of the busy fall semester to retreat, relax, and bond as a youth group.

Lake Anna Retreat: October 4-6, 2024

"Keep Awake" A Matthew 25 Retreat: November 22-24, 2024

Winter Retreat

Usually on MLK Day weekend with other Presbyterian youth ministries in the area. This retreat focuses on fun, winter activities, and meeting new friends across the presbytery.

January 18-20, 2025

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Rummage Sale

Next Generation Ministry has 1 yearly fundraiser/community event-- Providence Rummage Sale!

PreSale: Friday March 21, 12-3pm. $5 Entry

Main Sale: Saturday March 22, 8am-1pm.

Donations will be accepted the March 16-20, 2025.

june - august


Massanetta Springs

(Completed 5th grade- completed 7th grade)

Massanetta’s Middle School Conference transforms the faith journey of hundreds of middle schoolers from all around the country. Every aspect of this conference is crafted with middle schoolers in mind. Conference activities like keynote, recreation, encounter groups, and workshops are centered on the theme of the summer.

Summer 2024 we will attend July 11-14!


Montreat Youth Conference

(Completed 8th grade- completed 12th grade)

Usually the last week of July we escape to the mountains of North Carolina for Montreat Youth Conference with our high school students for a week of worship, small groups, energizers, and more.

Summer 2024 we will attend July 21-27.


Mission Opportunities 

(Completed 6th grade- completed 12th grade)

Webster Spring Mission Trip

June 22-29, 2024

Providence typically hosts an intergenerational mission trip to Webster Springs, WV each year. This trip brings people together from multiple generations as we serve the people of Webster Springs.



Need more information?

Contact Paige Bach,
Director of Next Generation Ministry




Paige Bach

Director of Next Generation Ministry

Andrew Jonas

Children's Choir Director

Next Generation Ministry Committee & Leaders


Upcoming Events

Trunk or Treat 2024

Keep Awake: A Matthew 25 Event/High School Retreat