Adult Ministry

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The adult members of Providence Presbyterian Church are called to bring our church and our world closer to what Jesus’ life and teachings told us about the Kingdom of God. We meet members where they are on their individual faith journeys by helping them discover their individual callings, so they can serve others by sharing their gifts.

This can lead to personal transformation, as people put on the heart of Christ, and then to social transformation, as people joyfully go forth into the community to tackle the issues facing today’s culture. Providence seeks to build caring relationships among our members and our wider community that are modeled on God’s love. As we open our doors and hearts to all peoples, we strive for genuine reconciliation and peace.


Adult Ministry

"You shall put these words of mine in your heart and soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and fix them as an emblem on your forehead. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise." Deuteronomy 11: 18-19

To meet the varied needs of its adult community, Providence offers a menu of opportunities that are designed to educate, provide fellowship, enlighten, and motivate members to live out their individual faith journeys towards the Kingdom of God.

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    Sunday Morning Classes Seeking God’s truth is spiritually rewarding, and it is a great way to meet people and understand how our faith relates to what is going on in the world around us. We offer engaging classes Sunday mornings throughout the program year. Most classes meet in person at the church.

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    Monday Evening Bible Study Getting together with other Christians and seeking God’s truth is a key part of the Christian life.  As Jesus said, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”  Providence offers Bible Studies on Monday evenings through the program year. Most classes meet in person at the church.

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    Lydia Circle The Women of Providence meet on the third Wednesday of each month from September through June for Bible study, fellowship and refreshments. This group offers a time of spiritual renewal, learning, and friendship during the week.

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    Contemplative Services Our Contemplative Prayer Group coordinates two special ecumenical events – during Lent and Advent. ecumenical Contemplative service—Music & Reflections for Advent. The hour-long program alternates between readings, music, and silence. Come as you are, Sit, Listen, and Pause before you leave in Silence.

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    Providence Readers We are passionate about a lot of things at Providence, and reading is one of them.  Reading a good book is fun; sharing insights and observation with other readers is even more fun. If you’re the type of person who relishes in a book and likes sharing your thoughts or just likes listening to the observations of others, you’ll find a perch in Providence Readers.  God’s world is too big to be seen. Sometimes, you have to rely on the printed page to take you where you cannot otherwise reach.

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    Where Life & Faith Connect Adult Ministry encourages us all to bring our lives and our faith together in meaningful ways through discussions on meaningful topics. Past discussions (currently conducted through Zoom) include:

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    Pilgrimage to the Holy Land In October of 2022, friends and members of Providence experienced a trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land where they walked in the very footsteps of Jesus! Click HERE for a slide show of their trip.

Contemplative Prayer

Psalm 45 says “Be still and know that I am God.”  But how often do we take the time to do that?  A group of us at Providence promote and support the practice of contemplative prayer through various classes, special church services, and links to other sources in our community. 

Providence offers an Advent service, Music and Reflections for Advent, each year in December, and a contemplative style service during Lent. Details are posted each season. 

When there is sufficient interest we provide adult education classes on contemplative prayer, or special presentations to interested groups, as well as post resources and service available through Contemplative Outreach of Northern Virginia, The Shalem Institute in Washington, D.C., and the Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage at the National Cathedral. 

Please contact Terry Lamb via email for questions and assistance.

Adult Events

Traditional Worship

Contemporary Worship

Traditional Worship

Special Music Sunday